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  • Writer's pictureEmily Withers

An Ode to Silence

I have been trying to write a blog on this theme over the last few weeks since I read Silence by Erling Kagge in the alps at the start of the year. It made a huge impression on me, yet it has proven difficult. This is mostly due to the fact that I ended up having too much to say and concision fell by the wayside. Also, as per, I found it very hard to create time to write.

However, I got home this afternoon, and had the sudden urge to write a poem about the theme instead. Cannot remember the last time I wrote a poem, so it’s more a flurry of thoughts, cobbled together. Enjoy.

An Ode to Silence

Pause. Sit still. Exhale. Relax. Have no agenda for a short while.

Let the moment be big enough. No need to share. What if we lingered beyond the silence, the stillness? Resisted the fear of exposing The unedited, unfiltered, untapped parts of our souls? What if we could access the silence within us?

We were built for wonder And we’ve settled for entertainment. Our identities curated by external paradigms Leaving us striving for a pedestal made of sand. Echo chambers lose their power in silence.

Nourish the soil of your existence, For you make your bed. Establish your truths and your masters. Who controls whom.

Seek beauty. It’s transient. It lives in the unseen, unnoticed Acts of kindness. Beauty moves. Chase it. Fall prey to less worthy distractions and you’ll look where you once left it and it will no longer be there. It won’t wait for you.

Carve an alternative rhythm. Adopt a yearning for precious quiet within. Contemplate. Observe. Listen to absorb. Retreat. Wander in nature. Be childlike. Play. Become a conduit for all you seek.

Stillness breathes stillness.

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